Saturday, January 3, 2009

Our Christmas

Christmas this year was so great! We celebrated here at home and then in Twisp with Trent's family. My family survived their 30+ hour car ride from St. Louis and were here to spend the holiday with us for the first time ever! There was snow, gingerbread house making, cookies for santa, tons of presents, and lots of family time! Here are some (well alot) of pictures from the last 2 weeks:
Here's Teagan with Grandpa & Grandma
Here's Gav opening his favorite present, the look says it all!
Seeing this happy face on Christmas was such a gift!
Teagan with Uncle Brian
Teag with Grandma
We thought it would be fun to take Gavin iceskating for the first time this year, and he loved it! He stayed out there the entire 1 1/2 hours we were there (Trent and I took turns sitting inside with Teag) and cried when we had to leave. We ended up going back the next day for more!

Teag has had a few issues these last couple weeks but luckily none of them have been heart related. The week before Christmas she was battling a pretty yucky cold and she finished up a 10 day course of antibiotics just after Christmas for her first ear infection. Now she's fighting some sort of flu bug (or possibly rotavirus) that she started showing signs of on our way home from Twisp. She's been throwing up off and on since last sunday and today is the first day of no 'sickies'! We went to the dr. yesterday to make sure everything was ok and he basically said to just keep her hydrated and get her through it. She has definitely lost her appetite though, and there's talk of the ng tube making an appearance in a few days if she doesn't start eating more. We've tried pedialyte, gatorade, and pediasure (my fav) but she's not interested in any of them! I think because she's had to eat such awful formula for so long, she has no idea what good taste is! We'll see what the next few days hold.... oh, and here's a pic of her latest accomplishment: Her first tooth!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Teagan on your first tooth! It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday with all of your family out there! The pictures look like so much fun. What a cute little family you have!
Happy New Year!

Katie said...

Such cute, cute pictures!!! Miss seeing you guys, let's get together real soon (as soon as our girlies are "bug" free!)

Anonymous said...

i agree your idea ! very nice blog

Teri Martin said...

I am 30 years old and I was born with HRHS PA/IVS. I just wanted to let you know I started a blog this year. Where I am featuring adults with CHD where they tell their stories and answer question from parents. I hope you will come by and visit our site.
