Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Its Official!

Teag is walking!!! I'm so proud of this little girl! She's been working so hard at it lately, and gets up to try again every time she falls down. She's so proud of herself and happy that she has a whole new view of the world! Her new skills are proving to be a bit dangerous though, as she falls about 100 times a day-usually face first. Today she woke up with a lovely black bruise under her eye from one of her adventures yesterday!


Marcia said...

How sweet is that video!! Thanks for sharing this milestone in Teag's life! She's so precious! I miss you guys terribly! Hugs and kisses to everyone! Love you! Mom

Katie said...

I'm so glad you taped her!!! She is doing awesome and quick too :)

Yay Teagie...we're so proud of you!!! Let's get together soon for a playdate!

Mimi said...

Oh my goodness!! That is so GREAT! I just want to scoop her up. I am so happy she is on the move- YAY.

The Simmons Family said...

GOOD JOB TEAGAN!!! I'm so proud of you Tegan and I love that you get up and keep on walking!!

WOW, Owen is so far away from that day, but it will come :).